Written by Louiza Stylianou

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Louiza Stylianou

Louiza is an accomplished writer and passionate dog lover who has dedicated her professional career to the promotion of pet care awareness and animal welfare. As the Content Marketing Manager at Cooper Pet Care, she merges her love for writing and animals to generate engaging content, ensuring pet owners are well-equipped with knowledge to provide the best care for their furry companions.

Her work at Cooper Pet Care includes creating engaging blog posts, informative articles, newsletters, and social media content, all focusing on providing readers with practical advice and recent advancements in pet care. She is also responsible for the company’s content calendar, ensuring a steady stream of relevant information that resonates with the pet owner community.

The synthesis of her passion for writing and love for dogs has allowed Louiza to make a meaningful impact in the pet care industry. Her contributions continue to educate pet owners, ensuring our furry friends receive the love and care they deserve.

Cat Spay and Neuter

Cat spay and neuter is the surgical procedure of removing your cat’s reproductive organs. Specifically, spaying is for removing a female cat’s ovaries and uterus, and castration or neutering is the removal of a male cat’s testicles. Are you thinking about whether your cat needs spay or neuter surgery? Read on and learn more!

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Top 5 Budgeting Tips for New Pet Parents

So, you bought a new pet. Or, maybe you’ve been unexpectedly gifted one. If there is one thing you should know is that pet care is expensive. Are you looking for some budgeting tips to help reduce some of these costs and eliminate any unnecessary ones? This article is for you.

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Dog Spay or Neuter: A Pet Parent’s Guide

Neutering is the surgical procedure of removing your dog’s reproductive organs. Specifically, neutering or castration is the removal of a male dog’s testicles, whereas spaying removes a female dog’s ovaries and uterus. If you are thinking about neutering your dog, this guide is for you.

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Can Dogs Eat Spinach?

Spinach is a leafy green vegetable that is extremely nutritious to the human diet. But is it good for dogs? What are the benefits of giving spinach to dogs? How do you properly serve spinach to your pouch? Read on and learn more!

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Can Dogs Eat Potatoes?

Potatoes are an excellent source of fiber that is especially beneficial to humans. But what about dogs? Can dogs eat potatoes? What are the benefits or dangers of giving potatoes to your dog? This article is here to answer your questions and inform you about dogs eating potatoes.

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Can Dogs Eat Fish?

Fish is a great source of high-quality protein for humans. But is it the same for dogs? What are the benefits of giving fish to your dog? Are there any dangers to fish in dogs? If these are some of the questions you have in mind, this article is for you!

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Can Dogs Eat Pork?

Have you caught your dog staring at you while you are eating pork and pleading you to give them some? You are tempted, but you aren’t sure if you should. Can dogs eat pork? Is pork healthy for dogs? When is it harmful to give pork to dogs? Read on and learn about dogs eating pork!

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Can Dogs Eat Oatmeal?

Oatmeal is an extremely nutritious snack for humans. For this reason, you might have considered giving some to our dog. But, can dogs eat oatmeal? What are the benefits to dogs consuming oatmeal? Are there any dangers you should watch out for? Read on and find out!

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Can Dogs Eat Coconut?

Coconut is generally a source of healthy fat. And you may be thinking that you can serve some to your furry pal as a treat. However, can dogs eat coconut? Are there any dangers in giving coconut to your dog? Read on and find out!

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Your Guide to Caring for Senior Dogs

When is a dog old? To an extent, it will depend on their size and breed. In general, the larger they are, the more quickly we are likely to see the effects of aging. For example, we’d consider a Great Dane to be senior by around 5-6 years old.

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