
Here you will find everything about the wellness of your dog or cat with health tips, how to prevent diseases and how best to help them get back on their feet with the advice of our veterinarians.

Are Roses Toxic to Dogs?

As Valentine’s Day approaches and love fills the air, many people express their affection by giving or receiving roses. But for dog owners, this romantic gesture may raise concerns about the safety of their furry friends…

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Are Carnations Toxic to Cats?

Carnations, the charming birth flower of January, have woven themselves into the fabric of celebrations and expressions of love. Admired for their ruffled petals and delightful fragrance, these blooms are synonymous with beauty. However, hidden beneath their aesthetic appeal lies a potential danger for our feline companions…

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The Importance of Vaccinations: Protecting Your Pet and the Community

Imagine a superhero shield, but instead of protecting just one hero, it guards your furry friend and everyone around them. That’s what vaccinations are like in the world of pet care! They’re like tiny superheroes that keep our beloved pets safe from nasty bugs and diseases.

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How Big Is a Dog’s Brain?

Dogs, our loyal and beloved companions, have long been the subjects of fascination and study when it comes to understanding their minds. Behind those soulful eyes and wagging tails lie intricate workings of a brain that governs their behavior, emotions, and interactions with the world around them…

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Recognizing Blindness in Cats

Cats are known for their keen senses, particularly their sharp vision. However, like humans and other animals, cats can experience blindness. Recognizing if a cat is blind requires careful observation of their behavior and physical cues.

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Can Dogs Get Sick from Humans?

As winter has settles in, bringing with it the crisp air, cozy sweaters and unfortunately, a host of viruses lurking in the atmosphere, a pressing question arises for pet owners: Can dogs catch a cold or other diseases from their human counterparts?

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Can Dogs Eat Fortune Cookies?

Dogs have a way of making us smile with their curious antics and puppy eyes that seem to beg for a taste of whatever we’re indulging in. Picture this: a cozy night, a Chinese takeout box, and the anticipation of cracking open a fortune cookie to unveil the mystery within. As pet owners, the thought may cross our minds – can our dogs join in this lighthearted ritual?

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Can Dogs Get Drunk?

The holiday season brings joy, festivities, and a chance to unwind. As we gather with friends and family to celebrate, it’s not uncommon for a glass of wine, a toast, or a cocktail to find its way into the mix. But amidst the merriment, there’s a furry family member that may be eyeing your drink with curiosity…

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Winter Gear for Dogs

Winter brings picturesque snowscapes, festive cheer, and a crisp chill in the air. While many of us bundle up in layers, our canine companions can sometimes need a little extra help facing the cold…

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Dog Ate a Plastic Bag. What to Do?

Every dog parent knows the anxiety that comes with realizing your pet has gotten into something they shouldn’t have. Whether it’s the leftover chicken bones from last night’s dinner or your child’s favorite toy, dogs seem to have an innate ability to find and consume things that aren’t food.

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