
These blogs cover everything you need to know about dogs!

Gangster Dog Names

Are you tired of those typical dog names? You know, the ones like Max, Buddy, or Bella? Well, it’s time to switch things up and give your four-legged friend a name that’ll make them the talk of the dog park! Introducing: gangster dog names. These names are edgy, bold, and full of character…

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Can Dogs Eat Potato Skins?

Today, we’re going to talk about a topic that might have crossed your mind a few times while you were preparing dinner: can dogs eat potato skins? Potatoes are a common ingredient in many households around the world, and they’re also used in many commercial dog food brands.

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My Puppy Eats Rocks. What to Do?

As a pet owner, it’s essential to keep a watchful eye on your puppy’s behavior, especially when they’re exploring their surroundings. Puppies have a natural instinct to chew and mouth objects as a way of exploring their environment. However, this behavior can sometimes lead to serious health problems…

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Understanding Addison’s Disease in Dogs

Addison’s disease in dogs, also known as hypoadrenocorticism, is a condition that can cause a wide range of symptoms. These include lethargy, diarrhea, and vomiting.
In more serious cases, Addison’s disease can lead to shock or even death. The good news is that we can treat the condition with medication.

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My Dog Ate Weed. What to Do?

Dogs are absolutely curious animals and can sometimes get into things they shouldn’t. One thing (especially here in the Netherlands) dogs can accidentally ingest is marijuana – whether it be in the form of the plant itself, edible treats, buds, or oils. 

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All You Need to Know About Pyometra in Dogs

Pyometra in dogs is a very serious and sometimes life-threatening infection in the uterus. It’s vital that the condition gets treated rapidly and aggressively.

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Dog Ate A Tampon? What to Do?

Dogs are certainly known for their mischievous ways! A common thing that dogs can ingest is a tampon. If this has happened to your furry friend, it can certainly be worrying. In this blog post, we will discuss what to do if you happen to be in this situation.

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Common Dog Diseases

As a responsible pet owner, it is important to keep yourself informed about common health issues that can affect your furry friend. In this post, we have compiled a comprehensive list of informative blog posts from Cooper Pet Care, covering a wide range of topics related to dog health.

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Dog Ate a Condom. What to Do?

Dogs are curious animals and can often get into things they shouldn’t. A particularly unwanted item that a dog could ingest is a condom. If your dog has eaten a condom, it can be alarming and stressful. In this blog post, we will discuss what to do if your dog eats a condom – and when to worry.

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What Small Animals Make Great Companions for Dogs and Cats?

Despite being wonderful companions for humans, dogs and cats also need companions of their own. However, not all animals can develop safe and healthy relationships with these furry pets. So, which animals make great companions and playmates for your dogs or cats?

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