Written by Louis Vanderhaeghen

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Louis Vanderhaeghen

Cold Weather: How Cold Is Too Cold For Dogs?

As the winter season envelops the world, the responsibility of ensuring your furry companion thrives in the cold becomes paramount. This comprehensive guide aims to unravel the intricacies of cold weather dog care, providing insights into various aspects….

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Recognizing Blindness in Cats

Cats are known for their keen senses, particularly their sharp vision. However, like humans and other animals, cats can experience blindness. Recognizing if a cat is blind requires careful observation of their behavior and physical cues.

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How Pets Reduce Hypertension and Relax the Mood of Owners?

Research has revealed that the companionship of pets decreases hypertension. The level of cortisol has been increased while a person is enjoying the company of their pets. Other studies have confirmed the fact that animals reduce loneliness, stress and boost the mood of their owners.

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Norwegian Forest Cat

As winter wraps its chilly embrace around us, the allure of cozy companionship becomes even more adament. In the midst of the cold and the circulating viruses, the Norwegian Forest Cat steps into the spotlight, offering not just warmth but a fascinating history, a distinctive appearance, and a bunch of quirks that make it an extraordinary buddy…

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Can Dogs Get Sick from Humans?

As winter has settles in, bringing with it the crisp air, cozy sweaters and unfortunately, a host of viruses lurking in the atmosphere, a pressing question arises for pet owners: Can dogs catch a cold or other diseases from their human counterparts?

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How to Help Your Dog With Fear of Fireworks

As the holiday season approaches, many families eagerly look forward to festive celebrations marked by dazzling displays of fireworks. While humans often revel in the spectacular bursts of color and sound, our furry companions may not share the same enthusiasm…

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Can Dogs Eat Fortune Cookies?

Dogs have a way of making us smile with their curious antics and puppy eyes that seem to beg for a taste of whatever we’re indulging in. Picture this: a cozy night, a Chinese takeout box, and the anticipation of cracking open a fortune cookie to unveil the mystery within. As pet owners, the thought may cross our minds – can our dogs join in this lighthearted ritual?

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Can Dogs Get Drunk?

The holiday season brings joy, festivities, and a chance to unwind. As we gather with friends and family to celebrate, it’s not uncommon for a glass of wine, a toast, or a cocktail to find its way into the mix. But amidst the merriment, there’s a furry family member that may be eyeing your drink with curiosity…

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Christmas Gifts for Dogs

As the festive season approaches, and we immerse ourselves in the joyful hustle and bustle of holiday preparations, let’s not forget our most loyal companions—our dogs Amidst the gift-wrapping and merry-making, this guide is tailored to ensure that your four-legged friends experience the same joy and delight during Christmas as we do…

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The Role of Genetics in Dog Aging and Age Gap

Genetics is important in the aging process of dogs, just like humans. Genetics influences various factors related to the aging process of dogs. It includes the overall health of the dogs and various factors related to the aging process of the dogs.

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