
Everything you need to know about raising and training your dog or cat.

Do Cats Know Their Names?

Cats have long been the subject of mystery and curiosity. Anyone who has ever shared a living space with a feline friend knows they can be both aloof and affectionate, often within the same minute. This duality often leads cat owners to wonder, among other things, whether their furry companion recognizes its name.

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How Do I Teach My Dog to Stop Barking? 

Every time the doorbell rings, your normally well-behaved dog goes nuts, won’t stop barking and wants to be first through the front door to see who’s there. So, what can you do to make the next delivery to your home a more pleasurable experience? Find out as we give you tips on how to train your dog from barking when the doorbell rings.

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Safety Tips for Children Interacting With Dogs

Some people throw a dog into the mix and cross their fingers that everything will work out. Though, you need to do a bit more than just hope for the best. This guide breaks down some key guidelines every adult should keep in mind when introducing children and dogs.

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How Do I Train My Cat to Sit?

This is probably the most common command you’d associate with a dog. But, it’s a myth to believe that you can’t teach a cat to do the same, and more.

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How to Get My Cat in the Carrier

Cats seem to have an instinct to never do as you wish. They tend to please themselves and go their own way, especially when it’s time for a visit to the vet. Countless pet owners will tell you that the moment their cat sees the carrier it will do a disappearing act.

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Why Won’t My Cats Use Their Litter Box?

It’s not just the nasty smell of cat urine that’s a problem. When cats aren’t relieving themselves outdoors or using their litter tray, there are hygiene concerns. It’s also a sign that they may have a medical or behavioral problem. If you’re struggling with a cat pee difficulty, read on to find out more about this common issue and how to tackle it.

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All About Toy Safety and Your New Puppy

There are so many doggie toys on the market these days that at times it’s easy to feel you’re buying for a new baby rather than a pampered puppy. Some of these purchases can be both fun and stimulating for your latest arrival. Others, even some that we’ve come to associate with dogs, can be downright dangerous.

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How to Crate Train an Older Dog

We all have times when we need a little bit of extra help and emotional support. Dogs are no different. A favorite blanket, for example, can be a great comfort even to an older pooch, just as it can be to a small child. Crate training dogs has generated a wide range of opinions from a broad cross-section…

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How to Train a Dog Not to Jump

No matter how much we love our dogs, there are certain behaviors that we’d prefer them not to display. They might think it’s a good idea to jump on top of you or your family, but the chances are that you most certainly do not. It’s a common behavioral issue even among the most friendly of dogs…

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How Do I Stop My Kitten From Biting Me?

They may be cute as can be but kittens seem to have an overwhelming desire to bite anything and everything. Although a kitten’s nip might not draw blood, their teeth will get bigger and their jaws stronger. If kittens don’t learn that it’s inappropriate to bite a person when playing…

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