My pet has a problem:
What should I do?

This is the question we want to help you answer

Check Symptoms
Medical issues may arise in any shape or form, and knowing what to do is never easy. As we all know, our pets cannot speak to us - so the age-old question of “Do I need to bring my pet to the vet?” can be very difficult to answer.

To assist you and your furry friend in troubling times, we’ve created our Symptom Checker to help answer any urgent questions - choose your pet’s main symptoms, answer a few questions and get instant advice on the potential next steps.

Our Symptom Checker is available on any device - from desktop to tablet or phone.

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Trusted experts: our Symptom Checker is 100% created and monitored by Cooper Pet Care's fully licensed Vet Team.

Check Symptoms
What seems to be the problem?
My cat Lily has vomited
Is there blood in the vomit?

How it works

Get tailored advice for your specific issue

By using your answers to our questions, the Symptom Checker assesses the potential severity of the issue - ranging from a problem that might improve on its own, to a problem that requires urgent veterinary care.

Should I call the vet?

The goal is to provide you with additional information when you are deciding how serious your pet’s problem may be and what you should do about it.

24/7 access

When most clinics are shut - and when emergency centers are overflowing - our Symptom Checker is always available. Fortunately this source of information and advice is always available to you.

What to do after

Any tool is never a replacement for a veterinary consultation and exam, and advice from the Symptom Checker should be taken as a guideline - never a hard-and-fast rule. Should you still seek answers, visit your local vet or book an online video-consultation with one of Cooper Pet Care’s licensed veterinarians.

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