Written by Louis Vanderhaeghen

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Louis Vanderhaeghen

Kidney Failure in Cats

Like humans, cats have 2 kidneys that perform many vital functions. They filter out and get rid of waste through urine. They help to keep cats properly hydrated, play an integral part in red blood cell production, and play a part in regulating blood pressure. Kidney failure in cats typically happens due to kidney disease.

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My Cat Has Bad Breath Smells Like Fish

Despite a reputation for independence, cats have no problem getting right up and close when they want your attention. That includes waking you up from a calm, deep sleep with a whiff of bad breath aimed directly at your face.

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Dutch Government Ban in the Works for Flat-Nosed Dogs and Folded-Ear Cats

The Dutch government announces a plan to ban the breeding and sale of animals that suffer from health problems due to their physical appearance.

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What to do When Your Dog Won’t Eat?

If your dog won’t eat, it’s a stressful situation for you and your pet. For most dogs, eating is an important and enjoyable part of life. A dog that doesn’t eat may be feeling sick or stressed, so it’s important to rule out any medical and environmental issues in order to find the root cause.

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What to Do When Your Cat Won’t Eat?

It’s been a few days since you’ve seen your cat eat, and you’re really starting to worry. You’ve tried everything — you’ve coaxed your cat with tuna juice and chicken broth, but your cat won’t eat. What should you do when your cat has stopped eating? 

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What’s a Mast Cell Tumor on a Dog?

It’s normal for dogs to get lumps or bumps on their bodies from time to time. Most will be nothing to worry about but a mast cell tumor or MCT does not fall into that category.

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Leading the Charge in Online Veterinary Care: An Interview with Dr. Patrik Holmboe

Ever wonder what it’s like for the veterinarian working on the other end of the video consultation? We sat down with our Head Veterinarian Dr. Patrik Holmboe for a quick interview.

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Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus in Dogs

Gastric torsion in dogs, also known as gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV), is a life-threatening condition that affects the stomach of dogs. It occurs when a dog’s stomach twists, causing gas to build up in the stomach.

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How Long Do Cats Live?

Given the old saying that a cat has 9 lives, it would not be unreasonable to assume that our feline friends could well outlive their owners, at least figuratively. If they’re big risk-takers, that may also play a part in how they live, of course. Find out more about the secrets to their longevity as we look at a cat’s lifespan.

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7 Pros & Cons of Dressing Up Your Dog

Dressing up your dog can be a great way to show off its unique personality and give it a chance to be as fashionable as you are. However, it’s essential to understand the pros and cons of dressing up your dog before deciding to go through with it.

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