Written by Louis Vanderhaeghen

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Louis Vanderhaeghen

All You Need to Know About Spaying or Neutering Your Dog

Castration, spaying, and neutering all sound rather drastic: and they are, but for good reasons in dogs. An overwhelming urge to reproduce is in their psyche until there’s a change in specific hormone levels after spaying or neutering a dog.

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What is Leishmaniasis in Dogs?

If you’re thinking about traveling with your furry best friend to hotter climes, then now is the time to sit up and listen. Leishmaniasis is one of those diseases that’s as nasty as it sounds.

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Your Guide to Lumps and Bumps on Dogs

We all get them from time to time. Bumps and lumps on the skin seem to appear from nowhere. There’s usually a simple explanation that means they’re harmless enough. For dogs, it’s a similar story.

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How Can I Tell if My Dog Has Ringworm

Ringworm is a fungus and not a parasite like a roundworm or a tapeworm. This fungal infection is common just about everywhere across the globe. It can affect nearly all species of domestic pets, including dogs.

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Does Your Poodle Have Skin Allergies?

If you notice dry, flaky skin and red patches on your dear poodle, the poor could suffer from skin allergies. Skin allergies are notoriously difficult to identify and treat in the case of dogs. However, as their human friend, you must be vigilant about your dog’s health and look for warning signs.

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Cat Eye Infections: Causes and Treatment

If you notice redness or eye discharge in cats, an eye infection in your cat could be the culprit. How can you tell if it’s an infection or something else, though? What should you do to restore your cat’s health?

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My Cat Won’t Stop Sneezing

Humans will sneeze around 70,000 times during their lifetimes: proportionally, cats will do much the same. So how much sneezing is too much for your cat?

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Everything You Should Know About Cherry Eye in Dogs

Cherry eye sounds sweet enough but it can be an uncomfortable condition for dogs that may lead to complications like conjunctivitis and corneal ulcers.

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How to Care for a Dog With Arthritis

Arthritis is a common, debilitating, and often painful condition in dogs. But, there’s plenty you can do to help your furry friend manage its progression, despite it being incurable. How do you care for your dog?

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A Complete Guide to Mange in Dogs

We’ve all seen the stories. Neglected or abandoned dogs turn up with hairless, skin covered in sores that have hard, crusty patches. The likelihood is these dogs were suffering from a painful condition called Mange.

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