Written by Louis Vanderhaeghen

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Louis Vanderhaeghen

Pet Travel on Public Transport: A Short Guide

Are you taking the train or the metro with your furry pal? In some cases, pets aren’t allowed on public transport at all. However, in the case where you can bring along your cat or dog on public transport, it is crucial to take the right measures, so that they can have a positive, stress-free experience.

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Pet Travel By Car: A Short Guide

Are you going on a road trip with your furry friend? There might be a few questions that you want answers to before you leave. This guide offers key tips for traveling with pets by car for better preparation and peace of mind.

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Can Cats Eat Avocado? Is Avocado Healthy to Cats?

Avocados are one of the healthiest beneficial fats for the human diet. But what about cats? Are these are any health benefits to cats eating avocado? What are the risks and can you avoid them? This article is here to provide with you an answer to all your questions regarding cats eating avocados.

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Can Cats Eat Apples?

Yes, cats can eat apples. But it is important to know how to feed it to them safely. Learn more about cats eating apples and other variations such as applesauce. Are apples healthy to cats? Read on to find out.

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Can Dogs Eat Cheese? Is it Healthy?

Does your furry pal like cheese? Have you considered feeding them some? Or, are you simply wondering whether dogs can eat cheese in the first place? This article informs you about dogs eating cheese, including when you should and shouldn’t feed it to them.

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Your Complete Checklist for International Travel With a Dog

Dogs are part of the family and may need to go with you when you travel overseas. That could be for a well-deserved break or for something more permanent. Whatever the occasion, there are likely to be numerous hurdles to overcome. As with most things in life, success will depend on the preparation you put in beforehand.

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Why Is My Cat Displaying Signs of Lameness?

Any cat owner will tell you that they get to know all their pet’s quirks and foibles. Noticing any changes in how they move about is one issue that can set alarm bells ringing. If you think your cat has suffered some sort of accident or fall then you should contact your vet.

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Preventing and Treating Heartworm Disease in Dogs

Heartworm disease is serious and can be fatal. It spreads when mosquitos that carry heartworm larvae infect animals through their bites. The severity of heartworm disease in dogs depends on the number of worms present in their bodies and how long the worms have been there.

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Top 10 Best Cat Breeds for Dogs

Are you a pet parent looking for a feral buddy to keep your dog company? This article shortlists some of the best cat breeds for dogs which will likely ensure a peaceful household and amity among your pets. Are you curious to see which options are out there for you? Read further and make it easier for you to decide!

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Best Affectionate Cat Breeds

Cats are easily mistaken for grumpy, distant, and independent animals who don’t want to be bothered. Are you searching for an affectionate feral baby that will reciprocate the love you give them? This article is for you. Read on and find out which are the best affectionate cat breeds!

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