Written by Louis Vanderhaeghen

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Louis Vanderhaeghen

Can Cats Eat Hummus?

Hummus, a creamy spread made from blended chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, garlic, and olive oil, is a staple in many diets across the world. This nutritious snack is loved for its taste and versatility. But as cat owners, it’s important to discern which of our favorite treats are safe for our feline companions.

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Can Cats Eat Raw Hamburger?

When we think about domestic cats, images of them pouncing on mice or birds in the wild often come to mind. They’re natural-born hunters with an instinctual love for meat. Given their carnivorous inclinations, some pet owners wonder if it’s safe for their feline companions to indulge in a bit of raw hamburger…

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Can Cats Eat Prawns?

For many pet owners, sharing a little tidbit from their meal with their feline friend is a common practice. When it comes to seafood, especially prawns, the question often arises: “Can cats eat prawns?” Let’s delve deep into this topic and find out.

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My Cat Ate an Ant

As cat parents, we’re always curious about our feline friends’ behaviors and interests. But when they interact with the tiny world of insects, especially ants, many of us find ourselves in a momentary panic. What happens if our cat gobbles up an ant? Is there a risk of harm?

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How Much Should I Feed My Cat?

Cats are magnificent creatures; they’re independent, curious, and each one possesses a unique personality. As a responsible cat owner, ensuring your feline friend is well-fed is one of the most important tasks. Yet, the question remains: How much should I feed my cat? Let’s dive into the details.

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Can Dogs Eat Peaches?

Peaches are succulent, sweet, and synonymous with summertime. As you bite into a juicy peach, you might catch your furry friend gazing up at you, tail wagging, wondering if they can partake in the delicious treat too. But can dogs eat peaches?

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Can Dogs Eat Oranges?

Dogs are not just pets; they are family. Like any family member, their health and diet become a matter of concern for us. Among the myriad of foods we humans enjoy, it’s only natural to wonder which ones our canine companions can safely enjoy with us.

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Can Dogs Eat Almonds?

Dogs, with their affectionate gaze and ever-eager appetites, often prompt us to share our beloved snacks. But when your canine friend eyes you hopefully as you savor a handful of almonds, how should you respond?

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My Dog Ate a Sock

As pet parents, it’s inevitable that we’ll face some unexpected challenges. One such quirky-yet-alarming situation occurs when your canine companion unexpectedly decides that your sock is their latest culinary delight. At first glance, this behavior may seem laughable, almost endearing in its absurdity.

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Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Dogs are not just pets, they are family. As such, we want to give them the best of everything, even the food we eat ourselves. Yet, some human food can be harmful to dogs. So, what about watermelon? Is it a refreshing summer treat your canine companion can enjoy too?

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