
With so many different dogs and cats around, it’s only natural that there will be blogs about the different breeds that exist.

10 Best Cat Breeds for Allergies

Are you allergic to cats but still aspiring to become a cat parent one day? Fear not. You can still adopt a feline baby and make a new addition to your family despite your allergies. This article compiles a list of some of the best cat breeds for allergies. While your options may be limited to specific breeds, there are still plenty of options to choose from.

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10 Best Dog Breeds for Children

Are you a parent to little humans, but you also want to adopt a furry baby? You don’t want to worry about endangering your human child or your animal. You want to choose a breed that offers companionship, comfort, and most importantly safety. Look no further. The list of some of the best dog breeds for children is here!

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Top 10 Breeds for City Apartment

If you always wanted to get a dog but were hesitant because you live in a small apartment this list is for you. Sure, for dogs like Great Dane or Husky you probably need a house with a spacious backyard but luckily for you dogs come in all shapes and sizes.

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