
These blogs cover everything you need to know about dogs!

Can a Dog Get a Cold?

We all know the signs- a blocked or runny nose, lots of sneezing, and generally feeling under the weather. Dogs do can catch colds too!

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My Puppy Has Lots of Red Bumps: Is it Pyoderma?

Common symptoms of puppy pyoderma include small lesions and reddish bumps. You might be more likely to see them on parts of the body where there’s less hair.

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Dog Ate a Battery. What to Do?

While the loyalty and inquisitive nature of our furry friends often bring joy to our lives, these same qualities can sometimes lead them into trouble. One such dangerous curiosity is the consumption of batteries. If you’ve found yourself asking “Why are batteries dangerous to dogs?”, the reasons are two-fold.

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Dog Ate a Bee. What to Do?

In the animal kingdom, curiosity is often a powerful drive, and our canine companions are no exception. Dogs’ natural instincts to chase, pounce, and gobble down small, quick-moving creatures can sometimes get the better of them. Bees, with their intriguing buzz and unpredictable flight patterns, prove irresistible to some dogs.

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Can Dogs Eat Honey Mustard?

As dog parents, we often find ourselves sharing the food we love with our four-legged companions. However, the safety of such sharing is always a concern. Today, we are delving into an interesting question: “Can dogs eat honey mustard?”

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Can Dogs Eat Mayo?

Many dog parents are curious about what human foods are safe for their canine companions. The question, “Can dogs eat mayo?” is one such query that pops up now and again. This article offers a look at whether mayonnaise and some of its variants are safe for dogs, and if so, to what extent.

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How to Recognize Dementia in Dogs

For dog owners, there are few things more upsetting than watching their pet’s cognitive skills decline. It’s typically a sign of old age and a stark reminder that we are often going to outlive our best friends.

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Can Dogs Eat Mango Skin?

The simple answer to the question, “Can dogs eat mango?” is a resounding yes. While a vast array of human foods aren’t safe for our furry companions, mango is not one of them. Dogs can indeed enjoy this tasty tropical fruit, but as with any human food, there are certain considerations and precautions to keep…

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Can Dogs Eat Green Beans?

When it comes to feeding our furry friends, it’s natural to wonder if certain human foods are safe and healthy for them. Green beans, a common vegetable found in many households, often raise the question: Can dogs eat green beans?

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Can Dogs Eat Peas?

As dog parents, we all want the best for our furry companions. That includes ensuring they have a healthy and balanced diet. One question that often pops up is, “Can dogs eat peas?” In this article, we’ll cover this question and provide you with the essential knowledge you need.

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