Top 10 Best Cat Breeds for Dogs

Are you a pet parent looking for a feral buddy to keep your dog company? This article shortlists some of the best cat breeds for dogs which will likely ensure a peaceful household and amity among your pets. Are you curious to see which options are out there for you? Read further and make it easier for you to decide!

What You Should Know

Most pet parents are more concerned about selecting the right dog breed rather than the cat breed, since most of the time, canines are significantly larger and stronger than their feline companions. Thus, they are the ones that you should look out for the most. However, it is important not to underestimate the feral nature of cats. They might not have the muscle, but they can certainly start a fight using their claws.

In addition, there are ways to get your pets to get along regardless of their breed as long as you train them well. Of course, there are plenty of factors that contribute to the reasons why your pets can co-exist or not. Training, socialization, previous exposure to other pets, personality, habits, and lastly, their breed, are all key components that shape your pets’ tolerance for other pets.

Best Cat Breeds for Dogs

There are lots of cat breeds out there that are suitable for your dogs, most of which this article will not cover. However, the following options are some of the best cat breeds for dogs due to a set of characteristics that make them compatible with other animals.

Find below the list of some of the best cat breeds for dogs. Remember that most cats have the potential to get along with dogs, as long as you train and socialize both parties well.

American Shorthair

Originally known as Domestic Shorthair, this breed is a descendant of British Shorthair cats which would keep control over the rodent population back in the early 20th century. American Shorthair cats have an easy-going temperament which makes them ideal for not only dogs but also young children. They are extremely interactive and they love to play. Hence, having a dog to play with makes for a great bonding activity for both parties.


The Balinese are essentially longhaired Siamese cats that are extremely affectionate and easy to get along with family members, including the furry ones. Although quieter than the Siamese, the Balinese cats are frequently vocal. Moreover, they are extremely active and athletic which make them suitable for households with other equally active dogs.

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Originally from the United States, Bombay cats are likened to the black leopards of the exotic port town of India. They are “velcro cats” because they attach themselves to their loved ones by following them around constantly. Bombay cats share similar behaviors to dogs at times, as they enjoy playing fetch and can be trained to walk on a leash. Oftentimes, they use dogs as their personal cat-bed whenever they seek warmth.

Japanese Bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail, also known as the original Lucky Cat is a medium-sized, muscular cat with a long body and slender legs. These cats have a short, bunny, “bobbed” tail which is a result of natural genetic mutation. Heterochromia (having one gold eye and one blue eye) is a common trait in this breed as well as the Turkish Van. This breed is a great match with high-energy family members such as young children and dogs. They are best kept indoors.


The Lykoi, also referred to as a “wolf cat”, has a resemblance to wolves because of the lack of hair around their eyes and ears. They are thus, one of the most visually unique cat breeds in the world. Despite their feral origins and appearance, they are domesticated cats who love to play with humans and other animals. They enjoy playing fetch and even a good chase due to their strong, resonating, predatory instincts. These cats are friendly once they establish trust with their human family.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegians are energetic, vigorous cats with rich, fluffy coats with very little grooming needs. They are generally very large and healthy cats, but are prone to obesity if you spoil them with too much food or more cat treats than you should. They get on with children as well as dogs due to their playful nature.

Honorable Mentions

Now you’re up to date on top 10 best cat breeds for dogs! Still got questions? Then book a video consultation with one of our qualified veterinarians to get advice on your pet questions within minutes.

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