Can Cats and Dogs Get Along?

can cats and dogs get along

Are you a pet parent to two different species and worry if they can be good together? The old saying of “fighting like cats and dogs” is not false. But it doesn’t mean it’s always true. Millions of people live in multiple-pet households with their furry babies either constantly fighting or playing with each other. Note that certain breeds have a better chance of harmonious co-habitation than others.

So, how can cats and dogs get along? The key is patience. And lots of training.

Ways to Get Along


Get them to be obedient. With the same methods you use to teach your furry pals how to behave around people, teach them about proper behavior when they are around each other.


In the early stages, always watch them when they are alone in a room together. Make sure to observe their interaction closely and see: can the cats and dogs get along when you are not in the room? Or perhaps, do they only get along when you are there with them? Keep an eye on them at the beginning before leaving them entirely alone in a room.

Scent swap

Your cats and dogs need to get used to each others’ scents early on. Try swapping their bedding or placing a towel that you used on your cat and near your dog. Tricks like these will get them to familiarize themselves with each other, tolerate each other’s scent, and understand that there is space for both of them in the household.

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Dogs tend to get enthusiastic or overly energized, and cats don’t always like it. Try and control the situation before it gets out of hand by setting up barriers. Always reassure a safe spot for your cat. Remember that cats need their safe space to keep their anxiety levels low. Dogs might induce anxiety in their feline pals, even though it’s not their intention. Make sure that cats will have the space they need available for when they need to be left alone. Moreover, try and distract your dog when they get overly excited around a cat. Play with them or give them a toy to play with in order to get their mind off the feline pal. This way, they will get used to their presence and no longer overreact around them.


Don’t forget to be patient with your furry babies. They will need time to adjust, and you need to give them that. Stay resilient, keep training them, supervising them and separating them when needed, and wait for the results. Always remember to reward good behavior. By contrast, avoid scolding your dog. They might put the blame on the cat for getting scolded. Keep a positive environment and maintain your patience with your babies.

Dangerous Behaviors

There is a pattern of behaviors that is important for you to look out for while you are supervising your cats and dogs. As you observe them, make sure that if they exhibit any of the following behaviors, they must be stopped immediately before they injure themselves or harm others.

Dangerous behaviors exhibited by both dogs and cats toward each other:

  1. Chasing
  2. Stalking
  3. Harassing
  4. Swatting
  5. Scratching

Dog Breeds to Consider

While the answer to the question, ‘can cats and dogs can get along?’ is mostly yes, there are certain exceptions that you should look out for. For example, some dog breeds may be more compatible with cats than others. Similarly, feral cats may be less compatible with dogs — or humans, for that matter.

Below is a list of dog breeds that can get along a lot more easily with cats than other breeds. This is due to their friendliness that enables them to be easy-going with other species, including cats. They are affectionate, protective, non-intimidating, calm, and adaptable.

Dog breeds to avoid: Dogs with a high instinct and full of energy to chase are less recommended. Breeds like Terriers have the instinct to hunt and kill small furry animals. While they may resist it, your cat could be a target of potential attacks. Moreover, high-energy breeds like Border Collies are not very favorable among cats as they might fall victims to their herding habits.

In Conclusion

Your feline baby and your furry pal can get along. It is up to you to create a safe space for both of them. Training and supervision are important in the early stages. Once they get used to one another, they will be inseparable, and all your efforts will be paid off!

Do you still have any questions? Then schedule a video consultation with one of our qualified vets! 

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