Written by Louis Vanderhaeghen

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Louis Vanderhaeghen

Can Dogs Eat Coconut?

Coconut is generally a source of healthy fat. And you may be thinking that you can serve some to your furry pal as a treat. However, can dogs eat coconut? Are there any dangers in giving coconut to your dog? Read on and find out!

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Your Guide to Caring for Senior Dogs

When is a dog old? To an extent, it will depend on their size and breed. In general, the larger they are, the more quickly we are likely to see the effects of aging. For example, we’d consider a Great Dane to be senior by around 5-6 years old.

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Everything You Need to Know About Rabies in Dogs

Rabies is a deadly disease. When caught, a virus causes catastrophic damage to the brain and nerves. Infected animals experience paralysis that will inevitably shut down the respiratory system, almost always leading to death within days.

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Can Dogs Eat Chicken? What You Should Know!

It may not come as a surprise that dogs can eat chicken. However, if you were to serve chicken to your dog, how would you safely do it? This article informs you of just that. Learn about the benefits of feeding chicken to your dog as well as what you need to be careful about.

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Can Dogs Eat Bacon? Is Bacon Toxic for Dogs?

Bacon is cooked and served differently from regular cooked pork. And thus, while dogs can eat pork, it doesn’t mean that they can eat bacon too. Curious to learn more about dogs eating bacon? Read further and find out.

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Can Dogs Be Vegan?

Are you wondering whether or not you can turn your dog vegan? The short answer is technically, yes. Dogs can be vegan. However, before you move ahead with this endeavor, it is crucial that you do enough research and consult your vet about it.

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Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?

Peanut butter is an exceptionally popular snack option for dogs. Why isn’t it for cats? Can cats eat peanut butter? Is it healthy for them? What are the dangers of serving peanut butter to your cat? How can you safely feed it to them? Read on and learn more about cats eating peanut butter.

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Can Cats Eat Onions, Garlic, or Chives? Read First!

Are you looking to add flavor to your cat’s food? You might have considered onions as an option. But can cats eat onions or garlic or chives? Are they good for them? What are the dangers of giving any of these to your cat? This article answers your questions.

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Can Cats Eat Olives? You May Be Surprised!

Surprisingly, olives are good for cats. At the same time, olives can cause serious damage to them. Curious to know why that is? This article informs you on cats eating olives, any underlying dangers to consuming them, and how to safely feed them some. Read and learn more.

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Can Cats Eat Blueberries?

Blueberries are a superfood for humans, but what about cats? Fruits are not a necessary food category for any carnivore feline’s diet. However, there may be instances where you look for tasty cat treats to offer to your cat. And you may consider blueberries to be one of them.

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