Written by Louis Vanderhaeghen

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Louis Vanderhaeghen

Can Cats Eat Pork? Is Pork Bad for Cats?

Commercial cat meals already contain all the necessary protein they need. So, feeding them anything extra such as pork is simply redundant. However, if you feel like offering them a new type of cat treat and consider pork to be an option, this article is for you.

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Bathing your Cat: Everything You Need to Know!

Cats are generally known to be self groomers. Unlike dogs, most cats are independent enough to clean up themselves without any human assistance. However, there are certain instances where bathing your cat is necessary. Learn more

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Top Toxic Foods for Dogs in Your Kitchen

Human foods are never meant to replace dog food. As you consider the human food options for dog snacks, make sure to avoid any of the toxic foods that this article mentions.

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Can Dogs Eat Nuts? What Nuts Can Dogs Eat?

There are so many nut options out there, many of which are safe for dogs to eat, while others are extremely toxic. This article breaks down all the types of nuts that you can safely give to your dog as well as the ones that you should absolutely avoid giving to them.

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How Long Is My Cat’s Pregnancy?

There is a general overpopulation problem with cats. That’s why the recommendation is for almost all domestic cats to have an operation that prevents them from reproducing. You may be breeding a special kind of cat or you may have picked up a pregnant stray cat.

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What is an Online Vet for Pets?

One of the few positives to come out of the COVID-19 crisis is a growing realization that we can save time and money by doing so many things remotely. It could be work, seeing a doctor, or even getting a medical diagnosis for a pet. Read on to find out about how telemedicine could benefit you.

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Top Safe-to-Eat & Healthy Cat Treats

If you are looking for some inspiration for cat treats, we have compiled a master post for you! Find out what are the top safe-to-eat and/or healthy cat treats treats that you can find in your kitchen. Choose wisely among your options, and do not overindulge your feline baby with them.

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Can Cats Eat Pumpkin? What are the Benefits?

It’s fall season and every year pumpkin and all things pumpkin-spiced are increasingly popular. What better time than to ask yourself if your cat can eat pumpkin? Are there any benefits to giving pumpkin to your cat? What about pumpkin-spiced treats?

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Can Cats Eat Strawberries? Are they Safe for Them?

Strawberries are one of the most delicious, low-calorie healthy fruits for humans. But what about cats? Are strawberries healthy for cats or at least, safe to eat? Are there any dangers to feeding strawberries to your feline? These are some of the questions that this article answers for you.

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How Long Are Dogs Pregnant?

Part of the responsibility that comes with keeping a dog as a pet is looking after them if they get pregnant. That starts with understanding all about your dog’s breed and any health recommendations that come with it. Read on for everything you’ll need to know to find out if your dog is pregnant and what to do if they are.

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