Potatoes are one of the foods with a lot of different cooking methods. Wondering whether any of them can be a good pick for your cat? Can cats eat potatoes in general? Are there any benefits or risks to feeding potatoes to your cat? Which are the cooking methods you should avoid?
Find out more by reading further down this article on cats eating potatoes by breaking down the different potato cooking methods.
Can Cats Eat Potatoes?
Cats can indeed eat potatoes as long as they are cooked. However, potatoes contain calories that have the potential to disturb a well-balanced feline diet. It is thus recommended that you only give potatoes to your cat as a treat and never as a balanced meal. All cat treats must make up less than 10% of the daily calorie intake of your feline baby.
What are the Benefits of Cats Eating Potatoes?
Cats can eat potatoes (read further on the various kinds), but potatoes do not offer any nutritional value to them. In fact, potatoes are simply extra calories for them that you simply add to their diet. While you can still feed them potatoes, you can mix them with their dry food or snacks to make sure they still obtain nutrients from their daily food intake.
With that being said, below are the most popular cooking methods for potatoes. Read further about each one to see what your cat can and cannot eat.
Cat insurance from From | Dog insurance from | Coverage | Contribution | Own risk | ||
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€8.46 | €12.11 | €3.250 — €6.000 | 10% — 50% | €0 — €150 per year |
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€14.05 | €17.77 | €3.000 — €6.000 | 20% | €30 — €50 per year |
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€12.16 | €17.42 | €3.000 — €5.000 | 20% — 50% | €0 — €250 per year |
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€13.27 | €20,14 | €3.000 — €6.000 | 20% | none | View |
€13.86 | €14.67 | €2.500 — €5.000 | 20% | none | View |
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€10.56 | €13.14 | €3.500 | 25% | €25 per claim |
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Can Cats Eat Uncooked Potatoes?
Uncooked potatoes are toxic food for your cat. The reason for this stems from solanine — a chemical that is found in potatoes. When potatoes are cooked, the chemical loses its toxicity. Do not leave any potato skins or pits of a raw potato near your cat. While they are unlikely to eat them, it is best to avoid any risks by keeping them away from their reach and into the bin.
If you suspect that your cat has digested raw potato, call your vet right away. Symptoms could be as mild as an upset stomach that lasts for a while or as severe as vomiting. Ideally, you should consult your vet so that they can do a thorough exam to make sure that your cat is okay.
Cooked Potatoes
Cooked potatoes can be plainly boiled, mashed (instant or not), or baked in the oven. All of these options can be good treats for your cat. You can mix them up with their dry food as long as they are plain. Do not season the cooked potatoes you give them. Any flavors such as salt, pepper, sauces, and others may be harmful to your cat.
Sweet Potatoes
While not toxic, sweet potatoes are best to be avoided. They are very high in fiber. Because of this, sweet potato treats may lead to vomiting and diarrhea, especially if your cat is fed large amounts of them. Moreover, for overweight cats, sweet potatoes can induce illness which potentially leads to a shorter lifespan.
Fried Potatoes
Fries as well as potato chips are extremely high in sodium and fat. Thus, cats shouldn’t eat them either. It’s neither good for them nor humans, after all. In addition to this, cats do not like chewing their food. They use their teeth to tear food apart but not to crunch on it. Thus, even if they could eat fried potatoes or chips, a cat might simply choose not to.
Final Words
Cats can eat potatoes as long as they are cooked and unseasoned. Although they can digest cooked potatoes without any fear of toxicity (as long as you take the right measures), cats do not obtain any nutritional value from them. Potatoes can be a cat treat, but not necessarily a healthy or essential one for their diet.
Still looking for answers about cats eating potatoes? Schedule an instant video consultation with our qualified veterinarians and get tailored advice from the comfort of your home – today.