Looking to Adopt? Introducing Verhuisdieren.nl

verhuisdieren, de site voor honden, katten en konijnen adoptie in Nederland

We’re happy to announce a collaboration with Verhuisdieren.nl, an established platform in the Netherlands facilitating the relocation and adoption of dogs, cats, and rabbits. Their platform matches over 900 animals per month! Verhuisdieren.nl is an animal-friendly initiative which pairs an animal’s needs with the wishes of the owner. They closely look at the match between the owner and the pet before starting the adoption process.

Read on to discover more details about this exciting service, and how our mutual collaboration can help you!

What is Verhuisdieren.nl?

The primary goal of Verhuisdieren.nl is to match animals looking for a home with new owners. They do this through their great search functionality: needs of aspiring owners are matched with an animal’s personality and quirks. All animals are thoroughly assessed to build a profile, allowing for the best match with their new owners.

Animals can of course be put up for adoption for a variety of reasons. Most commonly it involves owners undergoing major life-changes such as a new job, divorce, or children. But some animals have ageing owners or may come from adoption agencies overseas, leading to them needing a new home.

Should an owner have trouble with their pet and is considering rehoming them, Verhuisdieren.nl first provides excellent resources through HuisdierenSchool. This website contains all the information, tips and general help you need when dealing with behavioral or communication pet issues. The ultimate goal is to help the owner form a stronger bond with their pet and hopefully avoid the need for adoption in the first place.

Security and trust is of utmost importance when looking for a new pet. Unfortunately, in the world of pet adoption there are certainly plenty of scams and people trying to sell animals for a profit rather than a long-term match. It can be difficult to know whether your new family member is coming from a reputable source. Verhuisdieren.nl combats this in a number of ways:

  • When searching for animals, you are unable to search by breed. This limits for-profit breeders from breeding and selling young animals here.
  • No high prices may be charged for adopting an animal, limiting commercial interest and again making the adoption as reliable as possible.
  • Finally, in order to view contact details of adopters, you must become a Supporter of Verhuisdieren.nl. This greatly limits scammers or people who are not truly serious about life with a new pet.

How can Cooper Pet Care help?

Cooper Pet Care is excited to work together with Verhuisdieren.nl to help provide the best possible assistance to either current owners struggling with a pet or new owners looking to open up their home.

Specifically, Cooper Pet Care will help via:

  • When a current owner is struggling with their pet Verhuisdieren.nl provides a contact service, where the owner can message or phone about their situation and receive professional advice about possible next steps. Starting now, these owners will also be given a free online consultation with a licensed Cooper Pet Care veterinarian. Thus, at no cost to the owner, a struggling owner will have the assistance of a vet on hand. Through a 1-on-1 consultation they can go over current issues and potentially formulate a plan which avoids rehoming the animal.
  • Supporters of Verhuisdieren.nl will also be given a free online Cooper Pet Care consultation. This can of course be used for any reason – but is especially useful after a recent adoption when trying to navigate the new, wonderful world with a furry friend. Here at Cooper Pet Care we know few things are better than a strong bond between a pet parent and their pet – and we want to do all we can to help.

If you have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to contact us for more information. We’re always happy to help! We also have lots more information in our blog section, and of course you can always book an instant, 1-on-1 video consultation with a licensed Cooper Pet Care veterinarian here.

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