How to Protect Your Cat from Ticks

Outdoor cats tend to enjoy taking full advantage of their freedom. They’re natural scavengers and explorers, often finding bushes and grasses to hide in where they’ll wait for their prey. It’s in these kinds of places that ticks also like to hang out.

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How to Feed Your Picky Eater Cat

Cats have a reputation for being single-minded, independent and choosy. They can by nature be picky or fussy eaters. Find out how to stay on top of their fickle habits as we look at ways you can keep their taste buds engaged.

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All About Skin Infections (Hot Spots) in Dogs and Cats

Most pet owners will tell you that their dog developed a skin infection at some point in their lives. Typically, you can recognize inflamed skin lesions, known as hot spots, by  clearly defined areas of swelling, redness and hair loss.

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What is Cat Flu in Cats?

Achoo!” It’s a familiar sound coming from your cat (yet again). If they’re Russian it could be “Apchkhi” or Korean, “Achee”, by the way. The point is this: sneezing in cats is common all over the world. Most of the time there’s not a lot to worry about, but if sneezing bouts are very frequent…

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Why Is My Cat Drinking More Water Than Usual?

Your cat is drinking so often that you’re beginning to wonder if they’ve been running the odd marathon or two while you’re at work. The apparently unquenchable thirst has been going on for a few weeks now and you’re beginning to worry. Plenty of cat owners will have felt the same concern.

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Understanding Why Vets Do Blood Work on Pets

“We’ll need to get some blood work done on your pet,” your friendly vet tells you. You may feel reassured that checks will take place but unsure about why they need to happen at all. So, what are vets looking for when they carry out blood tests on your pet?

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I Can’t Cut My Cat’s Nails!

Keeping a cat’s nails neat and trimmed is something lots of pet owners say they struggle with. Once, you’ve mastered the technique, you’ll be able to wave goodbye to nasty scratches on both your furniture and members of your household. Nails that get too long can cause cats pain, problems with walking and a range of other medical issues.

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Cat Spay and Neuter

Cat spay and neuter is the surgical procedure of removing your cat’s reproductive organs. Specifically, spaying is for removing a female cat’s ovaries and uterus, and castration or neutering is the removal of a male cat’s testicles. Are you thinking about whether your cat needs spay or neuter surgery? Read on and learn more!

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10 of the Most Common Diseases and Conditions in Cats

Whether you’re an experienced cat owner or getting a kitten for the first time, you’ll need to expect times when your pet gets ill. Cats are prone to certain conditions. It’s a smart move to do some research so that you spot the tell-tale signs of sickness. The sooner you take your cat to the vet the better.

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Why Is My Cat Displaying Signs of Lameness?

Any cat owner will tell you that they get to know all their pet’s quirks and foibles. Noticing any changes in how they move about is one issue that can set alarm bells ringing. If you think your cat has suffered some sort of accident or fall then you should contact your vet.

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