
Here you will find everything about the wellness of your dog or cat with health tips, how to prevent diseases and how best to help them get back on their feet with the advice of our veterinarians.

What is Cat Flu in Cats?

Achoo!” It’s a familiar sound coming from your cat (yet again). If they’re Russian it could be “Apchkhi” or Korean, “Achee”, by the way. The point is this: sneezing in cats is common all over the world. Most of the time there’s not a lot to worry about, but if sneezing bouts are very frequent…

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Why Is My Cat Drinking More Water Than Usual?

Your cat is drinking so often that you’re beginning to wonder if they’ve been running the odd marathon or two while you’re at work. The apparently unquenchable thirst has been going on for a few weeks now and you’re beginning to worry. Plenty of cat owners will have felt the same concern.

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Your Guide to Understanding Reverse Sneezing in Dogs

If only dogs could speak and tell us when they need help. Sometimes they make noises that set off alarm bells ringing in our minds. If you’ve ever heard a dog in the throes of reverse sneezing, you might well think they’re in deep trouble. The honking noise bears a striking similarity to the cry…

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Why Is My Dog Scooting on the Floor?

The dinner table looks spectacular and your guests have arrived. Once again, your favorite pooch shows you up by scooting their behind across your polished tiles in full view. It’s a floor show you’d prefer to do without. So what’s the cause of this all-too-common kind of behavior?

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Understanding Why Vets Do Blood Work on Pets

“We’ll need to get some blood work done on your pet,” your friendly vet tells you. You may feel reassured that checks will take place but unsure about why they need to happen at all. So, what are vets looking for when they carry out blood tests on your pet?

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I Can’t Cut My Cat’s Nails!

Keeping a cat’s nails neat and trimmed is something lots of pet owners say they struggle with. Once, you’ve mastered the technique, you’ll be able to wave goodbye to nasty scratches on both your furniture and members of your household. Nails that get too long can cause cats pain, problems with walking and a range of other medical issues.

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Cat Spay and Neuter

Cat spay and neuter is the surgical procedure of removing your cat’s reproductive organs. Specifically, spaying is for removing a female cat’s ovaries and uterus, and castration or neutering is the removal of a male cat’s testicles. Are you thinking about whether your cat needs spay or neuter surgery? Read on and learn more!

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Dog Spay or Neuter: A Pet Parent’s Guide

Neutering is the surgical procedure of removing your dog’s reproductive organs. Specifically, neutering or castration is the removal of a male dog’s testicles, whereas spaying removes a female dog’s ovaries and uterus. If you are thinking about neutering your dog, this guide is for you.

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10 of the Most Common Diseases and Conditions in Cats

Whether you’re an experienced cat owner or getting a kitten for the first time, you’ll need to expect times when your pet gets ill. Cats are prone to certain conditions. It’s a smart move to do some research so that you spot the tell-tale signs of sickness. The sooner you take your cat to the vet the better.

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A Complete Guide to Diabetes in Dogs

Diabetes in dogs is on the rise in parts of Europe and the USA. Estimates suggest an 80 percent increase over the past 15 years in some countries, with one in several hundred dogs developing the disease. High blood sugar resulting from diabetes can have a detrimental impact on the body’s capability to work normally.

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