Written by Louis Vanderhaeghen

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Louis Vanderhaeghen

All You Need to Know About How to Exercise Your Dog

Above almost anything else, diet and exercise will be the key contributors to how our future well-being plays out. Learn here the tricks and tips you need to keep your dog happy and fit as we delve into the world of exercise, doggy-style.

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Animal Emergency Contacts in the Netherlands

Emergencies can strike at any time, and finding the right contacts is not always easy. We have compiled a list of useful emergency contacts, including 24/7 animal emergency centers in all major cities in the Netherlands.

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How to Switch Your Cat’s Food

There will be occasions when you’re going to need to change your cat’s daily dietary ritual, perhaps for a medical reason or if the maker of their favorite variety ceases trading. There’s no need to panic because making changes at mealtimes can be surprisingly easy. You just need to know how to do it. Read on to find out.

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All You Need to Know About Giardia in Dogs

When Giardia is left untreated, the parasite can cause Giardiasis, and that can lead to some really nasty complications. Find out more about how puppies can be particularly susceptible as we examine the signs and prognosis related to the illnesses this unwelcome parasite can cause.

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How Do I Teach My Dog to Stop Barking? 

Every time the doorbell rings, your normally well-behaved dog goes nuts, won’t stop barking and wants to be first through the front door to see who’s there. So, what can you do to make the next delivery to your home a more pleasurable experience? Find out as we give you tips on how to train your dog from barking when the doorbell rings.

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How Do I Stop My Puppy From Biting Me?

As an owner, it’s part of your responsibility to maintain the right balance between natural behavior and something that could cause distress or injury to others. Find out how to sink our teeth into the world of dog chewing and discover plenty of tips about how to stop puppy biting and puppy nipping.

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Preparing for the Pet Sitter

It’s not always convenient to travel with your pet. Sometimes they are happier at home in a familiar environment. Hiring a pet sitter means your pet will not be left in an unfamiliar place. The following checklist will assist you and your pet sitter in working towards keeping your pet happy, safe, and healthy while you are away.

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How Do Cats Get Toxoplasma?

Toxoplasmosis is a disease present in cat feces that can lead to harmful pregnancy complications or even harm the unborn child. So, whether you’re expecting a baby or wondering how to protect you and your family from this feline-affiliated disease, here is everything you need to know about cats and toxoplasma.

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How to Get a Cat Used to a New Home

You might be anxious to quickly acclimate your kitten or cat to your home, but without a plan, you could run into several problems. We’ve outlined several tips that you need to keep in mind if you want everything, including the transition and bonding period, to go smoothly.

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Safety Tips for Children Interacting With Dogs

Some people throw a dog into the mix and cross their fingers that everything will work out. Though, you need to do a bit more than just hope for the best. This guide breaks down some key guidelines every adult should keep in mind when introducing children and dogs.

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