Written by Louis Vanderhaeghen

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Louis Vanderhaeghen

How Long Can You Leave Your Cat Alone?

Cats have often been lauded for their independent natures. Unlike dogs, which require regular walks and frequent attention, cats seem more content with solitude. However, just because a cat can be left alone, doesn’t necessarily mean it should be.

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The Best Ways to Train and Socialize Your Dog to Prevent Biting Behavior

A friendly and well-mannered dog is every responsible pet owner’s wish. Dealing with biting behavior is a crucial part of training. Biting can happen due to various reasons like fear, aggression, lack of social mingling, or not being used to being around others.

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Can Dogs Eat Cauliflower?

Cauliflower, a crunchy and nutrition-packed vegetable, has been making waves in the human diet for its numerous health benefits. From cauliflower rice to pizza crusts, this versatile veggie is everywhere.

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Can Dogs Have Blackberries?

Ah, blackberries! Those delightful little fruits that are as juicy as they are tempting. But if you’re a dog parent, there’s that inevitable moment when your four-legged friend gives you “the look” as you’re enjoying a handful. So, the big question: can you share some blackberry love with your pooch?

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Leo Dog Personality

When the sun bathes the skies between July 23rd and August 22nd, we find ourselves amidst the Leo season. This celestial time doesn’t just influence humans but also leaves its mark on our furry friends. If your pup is born during this phase, you have a Leo dog at your side…

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Scorpio Dog Personality

Every individual, be it human or canine, is unique. Yet, many believe that stars and planets have a say in molding personalities. The intriguing blend of the passionate Scorpio zodiac and the loyal canine creates a fascinating, multi-layered persona.

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Pisces Dog Personality

It’s no surprise that astrology holds a special place in many people’s hearts. The zodiac signs help people gain insight into their own character traits, desires, and tendencies. But have you ever wondered how your dog’s birth sign might influence their behavior?

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Dog Ate a Plastic Bag. What to Do?

Every dog parent knows the anxiety that comes with realizing your pet has gotten into something they shouldn’t have. Whether it’s the leftover chicken bones from last night’s dinner or your child’s favorite toy, dogs seem to have an innate ability to find and consume things that aren’t food.

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When Do Cats Stop Growing?

Cats are beloved for their grace, agility, and sometimes their unpredictable behavior. Whether you’ve just adopted a kitten or you’re observing a growing feline in your household, you might be wondering: “When do cats stop growing?”

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Do Cats Have Belly Buttons?

It’s a question that has crossed the mind of every cat parent at least once: “Do cats have belly buttons?” At a casual glance, our feline friends appear to lack this hallmark of mammalian birth. But do they really?

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