Written by Louis Vanderhaeghen

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Louis Vanderhaeghen

Do Cats Like Humans? Yes, With Some Conditions!

If you find yourself doubting whether or not your feline baby likes you, it’s because cats are notoriously known for being picky with people. The real question you should be asking is, why do cats like humans? Once you know the secret to their heart, you will never have to doubt your parenting skills ever again!

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How to Help your Cat with Anxiety

Cat anxiety is a lot more common than you might think. Familiarise yourself with the most common causes, the symptoms and ways that you can treat your anxious feline pal.

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Best Dog Summer Clothes of 2021

Are you and your furry friend ready for summer yet? You might have even started sunbathing already! But have you bought any dog summer clothes? If you are having doubts about whether or not your dog needs any, wait until you learn how important dog summer clothes are for your furry pal’s health…

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Is Dog Sunbathing Good for Your Dog?

Everyone enjoys a little bit of sun once in a while. Dogs love sunbathing, just as humans do! But is it as good for them as it is for us? Alternatively, can it be as harmful when the weather gets too hot? What are the ways to prevent any risks?

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Can Cats Eat Dog Food?

To answer this question we need to look at the difference between cat’s and dog’s dietary requirements. Unlike dogs, cats are obligate carnivores meaning that they have to eat meat to survive. Dogs, on the other hand, are omnivores, they need a varied diet of meat, grains, and vegetables in their diet.

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How to Help Your Overweight Dog

Obesity is nowadays a problem that affects not only humans but also our pets. Just as in humans, eating too much and not practicing physical exercise is an unhealthy habit for any dog and eventually, this will bring problems like being overweight.

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Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

When dogs were hunters, they could snatch eggs from birds’ nests and eat them raw. Today, dogs do not have to search for food due to domestication, but eggs still provide enough protein for dogs. As long as the eggs are eaten safely, they make great treats or dietary supplements for dogs.

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Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

All dog owners know that their canine companions enjoy the occasional bite of grass, followed mainly through vomiting at breakfast. Due to this reaction, it is common for dog owners to think that grass is toxic to their canine bodies, and many people will criticize them for eating green things.

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Can Cats Eat Chocolate?

Most dog owners know that chocolate is poisonous for dogs, but is it the same for cats? Can cats eat small amounts of chocolate? What are the signs of chocolate toxicity? Well, you’ll find all the answers you need here.

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Can Cats Get the Coronavirus?

COVID-19 is the newly emerging infectious and contagious disease caused by the virus that belongs to the coronavirus family. SARS-CoV-2 is the causative agent of this deadly virus, which is primarily a respiratory pathogen.

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