Written by Michael Fisher

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Michael Fisher

Michael Fisher, a passionate animal lover and the proud pet parent of a Boston Terrier named Steven, serves as the CEO and co-founder of Cooper Pet Care. Residing in Amsterdam, Michael’s lifelong dedication to animals led him to establish his own pet care company. His combined passion for animals and expertise in business have made him a prominent figure in the field of animal healthcare.

As the CEO of Cooper Pet Care, Michael has succeeded in merging his love for animals with his keen business acumen. His role has not only seen him implement innovative strategies for the company’s growth, but also consistently ensure the welfare of pets at the heart of their services. He has helped establish Cooper Pet Care as a leading organization in the market, delivering high-quality and personalized pet care solutions.

Outside of his professional life, Michael is a fervent dog dad who thoroughly enjoys spending time with Steven. Their bond serves as a testament to the relationship Cooper Pet Care aspires to facilitate between pets and their parents. Michael’s love for his dog, his passion for animal welfare, and his business prowess all come together to shape his inspiring and dynamic career journey.

When To Start Training a Puppy?

New puppies may be cute and cuddly but they are also a forever commitment. When you decide to give one a home, you become responsible for training them to behave well. So, when is it best to start training a puppy?

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How Often Do You Take a Dog to the Veterinarian?

Think of regular visits to the vet as a little like a car service. Your vet will give your dog an all round check-up. This is a preventative measure that can keep your pet healthier for longer and could save you money over time. The regularity of your visits to the vet could depend on the breed of your dog.

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How to Stop a Dog from Pulling

Going out for a walk is one of the most exciting times of the day for many dogs. Pulling on a lead makes perfect sense to them because it’s the way to make more fascinating discoveries even faster. Read on for the tips you need and learn how to stop a dog from pulling on your leash.

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How Often Do You Take a Cat to the Vet?

Cats rely on us to keep them protected from disease and cared for by experts. Whether you have a kitten or a grown-up tom, read on to find out when you should take your cat to see the vet.

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Having a Pet in the Netherlands

You live in the Netherlands, and you have just adopted a furry baby. What do you do next? This article provides the basics to have pets in the Netherlands, from taxation to do’s & dont’s. For dog parents, there are some additional laws and procedures that you must know about.

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How to Help your Cat with Anxiety

Cat anxiety is a lot more common than you might think. Familiarise yourself with the most common causes, the symptoms and ways that you can treat your anxious feline pal.

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Can Cats Eat Dog Food?

To answer this question we need to look at the difference between cat’s and dog’s dietary requirements. Unlike dogs, cats are obligate carnivores meaning that they have to eat meat to survive. Dogs, on the other hand, are omnivores, they need a varied diet of meat, grains, and vegetables in their diet.

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How to Help Your Overweight Dog

Obesity is nowadays a problem that affects not only humans but also our pets. Just as in humans, eating too much and not practicing physical exercise is an unhealthy habit for any dog and eventually, this will bring problems like being overweight.

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Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

When dogs were hunters, they could snatch eggs from birds’ nests and eat them raw. Today, dogs do not have to search for food due to domestication, but eggs still provide enough protein for dogs. As long as the eggs are eaten safely, they make great treats or dietary supplements for dogs.

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Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

All dog owners know that their canine companions enjoy the occasional bite of grass, followed mainly through vomiting at breakfast. Due to this reaction, it is common for dog owners to think that grass is toxic to their canine bodies, and many people will criticize them for eating green things.

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