Written by Michael Fisher

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Michael Fisher

Michael Fisher, a passionate animal lover and the proud pet parent of a Boston Terrier named Steven, serves as the CEO and co-founder of Cooper Pet Care. Residing in Amsterdam, Michael’s lifelong dedication to animals led him to establish his own pet care company. His combined passion for animals and expertise in business have made him a prominent figure in the field of animal healthcare.

As the CEO of Cooper Pet Care, Michael has succeeded in merging his love for animals with his keen business acumen. His role has not only seen him implement innovative strategies for the company’s growth, but also consistently ensure the welfare of pets at the heart of their services. He has helped establish Cooper Pet Care as a leading organization in the market, delivering high-quality and personalized pet care solutions.

Outside of his professional life, Michael is a fervent dog dad who thoroughly enjoys spending time with Steven. Their bond serves as a testament to the relationship Cooper Pet Care aspires to facilitate between pets and their parents. Michael’s love for his dog, his passion for animal welfare, and his business prowess all come together to shape his inspiring and dynamic career journey.

Can Dogs Eat Asparagus?

Many dog owners find themselves staring at the dinner table, pondering if they can share their side of asparagus with their furry friend. Dogs are known to eat a variety of foods, but as with all things, moderation and proper preparation are key.

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Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken?

Cats, with their agile bodies and sharp claws, are notorious hunters, and their domesticated ancestors primarily ate raw food. But does that mean it’s safe to feed your domesticated feline friend raw chicken? Let’s delve into this topic and uncover the facts.

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Can Cats Eat Basil?

Cats are known for their finicky nature when it comes to food. While they primarily thrive on a carnivorous diet, they often show interest in human foods, leaving their owners puzzled about what’s safe and what’s not. One such food item that sparks curiosity is basil.

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Can Cats Eat Lettuce?

Cats are known for their curious nature, often exploring the world around them, sniffing everything they come across, and even taking the occasional nibble. If you’re a cat parent, you might have noticed your feline friend showing interest in your salad, particularly the lettuce. But is it okay for them to consume?

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Why Does My Cat Sleep With Me?

Cats have been the loving companions of humans for thousands of years. Their mysterious behaviors often leave us curious and sometimes bewildered. One of the many habits that cat owners worldwide have observed is their feline friend’s propensity to cuddle up and sleep with them.

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What Makes an Emotional Support Cat?

An emotional support cat, often referred to as an ESA (Emotional Support Animal), is not just any feline companion. They serve a unique and invaluable role in the lives of those they comfort. These cats provide solace, companionship, and a calming presence to individuals experiencing emotional, psychological, or psychiatric challenges.

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Do Cats Know Their Names?

Cats have long been the subject of mystery and curiosity. Anyone who has ever shared a living space with a feline friend knows they can be both aloof and affectionate, often within the same minute. This duality often leads cat owners to wonder, among other things, whether their furry companion recognizes its name.

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Can Cats Have Steak?

If you’ve ever settled down for a juicy steak dinner, you might have noticed a furry little friend giving you the signature “puppy eyes” – or in this case, “kitty eyes”. While it’s natural to want to share our favorite foods with our beloved pets, the question arises – can cats have steak?

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Can Cats Eat Salami?

For many cat owners, watching their feline friends curiously bat at a slice of salami can be both amusing and endearing. It may lead them to wonder, “Can cats actually eat salami?” Let’s delve into the intricacies of this question and offer some insight into the cat-salami conundrum.

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Why Do Cats Show Their Bellies?

The curious world of cats is full of behaviors that can perplex even the most ardent feline aficionado. Among these, the act of a cat lying on its back to expose its belly stands out. Is it an enigma? A signal for a rub? Or a display of the ultimate feline trust?

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