
As a pet owner, you’re already busy enough, but with the tips and tricks from our lifestyle blogs, we’ll keep you right on top of the latest news!

Pet Calculators for Your Furry Friend

As a pet parent, it’s important to keep track of your furry friend’s health and well-being. Luckily, there are numerous resources that can help with this task. One such resource is Cooper Pet Care’s pet calculators page. The page offers several different pet calculators, as well as a bonus project called Pet Food Checker.

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Your Guide to Your Dog’s Teeth

Giving your dog a Hollywood smile may be wholly inappropriate but looking after their teeth is one of the biggest gifts you can give them. As with humans, toothache or fractured teeth can be painful for dogs. 

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My Cat Has Bad Breath Smells Like Fish

Despite a reputation for independence, cats have no problem getting right up and close when they want your attention. That includes waking you up from a calm, deep sleep with a whiff of bad breath aimed directly at your face.

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7 Pros & Cons of Dressing Up Your Dog

Dressing up your dog can be a great way to show off its unique personality and give it a chance to be as fashionable as you are. However, it’s essential to understand the pros and cons of dressing up your dog before deciding to go through with it.

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All You Need to Know About How to Exercise Your Dog

Above almost anything else, diet and exercise will be the key contributors to how our future well-being plays out. Learn here the tricks and tips you need to keep your dog happy and fit as we delve into the world of exercise, doggy-style.

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Preparing for the Pet Sitter

It’s not always convenient to travel with your pet. Sometimes they are happier at home in a familiar environment. Hiring a pet sitter means your pet will not be left in an unfamiliar place. The following checklist will assist you and your pet sitter in working towards keeping your pet happy, safe, and healthy while you are away.

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How To Introduce Cats Into Your Home

When you sit down next to a total stranger on a visit to the vet, the chances are that you’ll raise a smile at the very least. The evolution of greeting one another has come a long way in humans.

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Is My Cat Bored?

When cats wander outside, they’ll experience a wealth of opportunities for mental stimulation. They might stumble across another cat, hear the sound of a car’s horn or take in the smell of some leftover food in a garbage can.

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How to Clean House with Pets: What to Know

One of the most important—and challenging—parts of pet parenting is keeping your home clean with your furry friend around. From dealing with pet hair to cleaning up accidents, it can seem impossible to keep your house neat and tidy with a pet in the mix. But with some simple guidance, you can easily learn how to clean house with pets and keep your home looking its best.

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How to Keep a Clean House with Dogs

Dogs can be messy. Inevitably, the house doesn’t stay clean around dogs, no matter their size. Are you a recent pet parent looking for some tips and tricks on how to keep the house clean when you have dogs? This short guide is for you.

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