What Cat Breeds are Hypoallergenic?

What cat breeds are hypoallergenic

For those with allergies, owning a cat might seem like an unachievable dream. However, hypoallergenic cat breeds exist and can provide companionship without the sneezing and itching. This article will shed light on the most hypoallergenic cats, hypoallergenic cat breeds in general, low allergy cats, hypoallergenic cats that don’t shed, and the suitability of Sphynx and Russian Blue cats for allergy sufferers.

The Most Hypoallergenic Cat Breed

While no breed can claim complete hypoallergenic properties, Siberian cats are often considered the most hypoallergenic breed. Siberians are known to produce fewer “Fel d 1” proteins, the primary allergens in cats, making them a viable choice for allergy sufferers. These magnificent felines, known for their lush fur and striking eyes, offer companionship without the usual allergic flare-ups.

The Myth of 100% Hypoallergenic Cats

The term “hypoallergenic” implies lower allergenicity, not a total absence of allergens. Despite the advancements in our understanding of feline allergies, no cats are 100% hypoallergenic. The quantity and strength of allergenic proteins can vary among individual cats. However, certain breeds are known to produce fewer allergens, making them a better choice for people with allergies.

Understanding Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

Several cat breeds are touted as hypoallergenic. Apart from Siberian cats, Balinese cats, often referred to as long-haired Siamese, also produce less of the Fel d 1 protein. Despite their long fur, they are less likely to cause allergic reactions compared to many other breeds.

Another hypoallergenic breed is the Bengal cat, known for their striking leopard-like coat. Their fine fur also sheds less, limiting the distribution of potential allergens.

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The Appeal of Low Allergy Cats

Low allergy cats, or hypoallergenic cats, are indeed a blessing for allergy sufferers. Oriental Shorthair cats, for instance, have a short, fine coat that sheds less, resulting in fewer allergens around the house. Devon Rex and Cornish Rex are two other breeds that produce fewer allergens, mainly due to their very short and thin coat.

The Hypoallergenic Cats That Don’t Shed

A dream for many allergy sufferers is hypoallergenic cats that don’t shed. The Cornish Rex and the Devon Rex fit the bill, as they both have a thin, curly coat that sheds much less than typical cat fur. This characteristic minimizes the dispersal of allergens, reducing the risk of an allergic reaction.

The Sphynx cat, renowned for its hairless appearance, is also an excellent choice for those seeking a cat that doesn’t shed. However, these cats do require frequent bathing to reduce the oils on their skin, which can also carry allergenic proteins.

Can You Have a Sphynx Cat If You’re Allergic to Cats?

The Sphynx cat, due to its lack of fur, is a good choice for individuals with cat allergies. However, remember that it’s the Fel d 1 protein in a cat’s saliva, urine, and dander that typically causes allergies. Since Sphynx cats still produce this protein, they can still cause allergic reactions, but the absence of fur to carry the allergen may lessen the severity of reactions.

Are All Russian Blue Cats Hypoallergenic?

Russian Blue cats are often cited as hypoallergenic. These cats have a dense, short coat that doesn’t shed excessively, reducing the amount of allergen-laden fur dispersed in the home. Additionally, some allergy sufferers report fewer symptoms around Russian Blues, suggesting that these cats may produce less Fel d 1 protein. However, like all cats, Russian Blues do produce this allergenic protein. While they may be suitable for individuals with mild cat allergies, those with severe allergies may still experience symptoms.

Javanese Cats: A Hypoallergenic Choice

Another hypoallergenic breed worth mentioning is the Javanese cat. Like Balinese cats, Javanese have a medium-long single coat that doesn’t mat. Since they lack an undercoat, fewer allergens are released into the environment, which could mean fewer allergic reactions for owners.

The Truth About Hypoallergenic Cats and Allergies

It’s crucial to understand that individual reactions to cat allergens can vary widely. Some people might have mild reactions or none at all to certain hypoallergenic breeds, while others may still experience severe symptoms.

If you’re considering a hypoallergenic cat, it may be a good idea to spend some time with the breed before bringing one home permanently. This trial period can help you gauge your body’s reaction and ensure you make an informed decision about whether it’s the right fit for you and your household.


Living with allergies doesn’t mean you have to forego the companionship of a feline friend. With hypoallergenic cat breeds, allergy sufferers have the opportunity to enjoy the affection and companionship that cats offer. From the Siberian and Balinese to the Bengal and Russian Blue, there’s a hypoallergenic cat for almost anyone. While hypoallergenic doesn’t mean allergen-free, these breeds can help make the dream of cat ownership a comfortable and joyful reality for those dealing with allergies.

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