Written by Louis Vanderhaeghen

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Louis Vanderhaeghen

Best Dog Breeds for Protection

Are you looking to adopt a furry pal who can offer safety and protection alongside their love and affection for you and your family? There are many dogs that make great guardians to your home. Whether they are big or small, you would be surprised by your options.

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Your Guide to Keeping a First Aid Kit for Cats and Dogs

Knowledge is power, so being up-to-date on First Aid could help save a pet’s life. Part of
this means having a First Aid kit handy in case of an emergency. Read on to find out how to recognize an emergency, the precautions you should take, and what to keep in your First Aid kit for cats and dogs.

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Christmas Pets: What You Should Consider

It is that time of year where people exchange gifts, ranging from a bag of candy and a pair of socks to expensive jewelry and a new dog. However, this Christmas, it is time for you to reconsider your Google search gift ideas. This article informs you about Christmas pets.

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Top 5 Cat Breeds Good for Other Cats

Are you looking to adopt another feral baby to keep your cat company? Not all cats can get along with each other. Although this heavily depends on their personality and exposure to socialization from an early age, there are certain cat breeds that get along better than others. Read further and find out which they are.

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Best Service Dog Breeds for Epilepsy

Service dogs for epilepsy, also known as seizure dogs, are service animals trained to either warn their owner in the event of them having an episode or assist them during it. Read further about the best service dog breeds for epilepsy.

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Ear Infections in Dogs

Some estimates put the number of dogs with ear infections at as many as 1 in 5. More prone to ear diseases than humans, dogs can experience significant discomfort from them. So how can you tell if your dog has an ear infection? Read on to find out and learn how to treat these common canine complications.

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Common Allergies in Dogs

The chances are you’ll know someone who’s lactose or gluten intolerant. You might even have a food allergy yourself. Dogs are no different. Food allergies can happen at any point during a dog’s life. They commonly begin when dogs are less than a year old.

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Vomiting and Diarrhea in Cats

Mild and occasional upsets in the digestive systems of cats are not uncommon. There’s a wide variety of conditions that can cause problems. If symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea don’t clear up quickly then you should immediately seek advice from your vet.

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Ear Problems in Cats

Most ear infections that cats experience are likely to cause discomfort or be painful. Some can be serious and lead to a loss of balance or hearing. If you think your cat has some kind of ear infection, you should always contact your vet. The sooner your cat begins a course of treatment the better the…

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Beagle Dog Breed

Are you looking for an active and tolerant furry companion? Beagle dogs are among the most common breeds you can find and adopt in animal shelters. Find out more about the breed and why it could be the right option for you and your household.

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