Written by Louis Vanderhaeghen

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Louis Vanderhaeghen

Can Cats Eat Eggs?

Did you know that eggs are one of the best superfood options for your feline baby? This means that not only can cats eat eggs, but that eggs are a healthy treat for them, too! This is certainly a good reason to feed eggs to your cat. But it is important to watch out for the possible risks.

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Can Cats Eat Potatoes?

Potatoes are one of the foods with a lot of different cooking methods. Wondering whether any of them can be a good pick for your cat? Can cats eat potatoes in general? Are there any benefits or risks to feeding potatoes to your cat? Which are the cooking methods you should avoid?

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Can Cats Eat Chicken?

Chicken is extremely popular, and it can be found in lots of meals. It is a great source of protein for humans. Is it for cats as well? Can cats eat chicken? Can cats eat raw chicken? Are there any dangers to giving cooked or raw chicken to your cat? How should you properly feed them chicken?

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Which Plants Are Toxic For Our Animals?

Our fluffy friends are curious and like to discover and taste new flavors. They may occasionally take a bite off the plants you have at home. However, some of those plants can be outright toxic for cats and dogs, and some others harmful to their health.

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Why Does My Dog Keep Licking His Paws?

Paw licking can be part of the normal grooming routine for many dogs. This is especially true for those that have longer hair. Sometimes it can be a sign of an underlying health issue. You might notice that your dog feels distressed when they lick their paws…

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Can Cats Eat Oatmeal?

Oatmeal is one of the healthiest human foods which is currently gaining popularity globally in the form of breakfast cereals. But does this mean you can create the perfect oatmeal for your cat? Are there benefits to giving your cat oatmeal? Find out the answers to this questions and more!

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Top Toxic Foods for Cats in your Kitchen

Human foods are never meant to replace cat food in the feline diet. As you consider the human food options for cat snacks, make sure to avoid any of the toxic foods that this article mentions.

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When To Start Training a Puppy?

New puppies may be cute and cuddly but they are also a forever commitment. When you decide to give one a home, you become responsible for training them to behave well. So, when is it best to start training a puppy?

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Can Cats Eat Grapes? Here’s What You Should Know!

Grapes are commonly known as one of the most toxic human foods for dogs. But does that apply to cats? Can cats eat grapes? Grapes are not appealing to cats. Chances are, they won’t seek them out unless you offer them to them because they trust you. However, if a cat is picky about their snacks, maybe it’s best to listen to them.

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How Often Do You Take a Dog to the Veterinarian?

Think of regular visits to the vet as a little like a car service. Your vet will give your dog an all round check-up. This is a preventative measure that can keep your pet healthier for longer and could save you money over time. The regularity of your visits to the vet could depend on the breed of your dog.

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