Written by Louis Vanderhaeghen

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Louis Vanderhaeghen

Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter? Yes, With Caution!

Have you ever noticed that you attract your dog’s attention when you open up a peanut butter jar? Not only do dogs like peanut butter, but a healthy portion of it can provide them with good nutrition. On the other hand, you must be careful with this nutty treat and make sure you feed them properly and with the right kind!

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3 Pet Owner Necessities That You Need to Know

In 2020, global pet care sales grew a whopping 8.7% (Pet Food Processing, 2021). The reason? Many people are turning to pet ownership as a means to cope with the pandemic blues. If you are one of these individuals, you may have recently discovered that the world of pet ownership…

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Am I Ready for a Pet? 5 Things You Need!

Are you feeling lonely and perhaps looking for a furry animal to keep you company? Then, you must ask yourself the important question, “am I ready for a pet?” The answer to that depends on various factors. Here are the five most important things that you will need to be ready to have a pet.

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Can Cats Eat Bananas? Are Bananas Good for Cats?

Bananas are a healthy treat for humans, but is it an equally healthy snack for cats? When you ask the question, “can cats eat bananas”, what you should really be searching for is an answer that goes beyond just feasibility. Find out about the nutritional value of bananas in cats and when they are safe to eat.

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Can Dogs Eat Blueberries? Are Blueberries Healthy for Dogs?

Apart from carrots, blueberries are another healthy treat you can, in fact, feed your furry baby. Blueberries offer a wide variety of nutrients to both small and big dogs. Hence, not only can dogs eat blueberries, but they can also benefit a lot from having them in their diet.

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Can Dogs Eat Carrots? Are they Healthy?

Looking to feed your furry pal some low-calorie snacks? Carrots sound like a good option, but is it? Can dogs eat carrots or are they one more toxic food that you need to watch out for? You’re in luck, because not only can dogs eat carrots, but they are strongly encouraged to do so!

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Can Cats Eat Pizza? Is it Safe?

As a pet parent, you might have the need to indulge your feral baby in treats that extend beyond their regular cat food. Generally, the safest choice is to avoid feeding your cat human dishes altogether. However, there are certain foods or dishes that you can feed them in moderation. Is pizza one of them?

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How to Train a Cat to Use the Litter Box

Have you recently adopted a feral baby who has never used a litter box before? Or, perhaps you are retraining your long-time cat. This article teaches you how to train a cat to use the litter box as well as providing you with useful tips on choosing the litter box.

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Top 25 Popular Pet Names in 2021

Looking for some name inspiration? The art of naming a pet can be even more challenging than naming a human child. Pet parents aim to be a little more creative. The most popular pet names are simple to pronounce and easy to remember.

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10 Best Cat Breeds for Allergies

Are you allergic to cats but still aspiring to become a cat parent one day? Fear not. You can still adopt a feline baby and make a new addition to your family despite your allergies. This article compiles a list of some of the best cat breeds for allergies. While your options may be limited to specific breeds, there are still plenty of options to choose from.

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