Written by Louiza Stylianou

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Louiza Stylianou

Louiza is an accomplished writer and passionate dog lover who has dedicated her professional career to the promotion of pet care awareness and animal welfare. As the Content Marketing Manager at Cooper Pet Care, she merges her love for writing and animals to generate engaging content, ensuring pet owners are well-equipped with knowledge to provide the best care for their furry companions.

Her work at Cooper Pet Care includes creating engaging blog posts, informative articles, newsletters, and social media content, all focusing on providing readers with practical advice and recent advancements in pet care. She is also responsible for the company’s content calendar, ensuring a steady stream of relevant information that resonates with the pet owner community.

The synthesis of her passion for writing and love for dogs has allowed Louiza to make a meaningful impact in the pet care industry. Her contributions continue to educate pet owners, ensuring our furry friends receive the love and care they deserve.

Can Cats Eat Pumpkin? What are the Benefits?

It’s fall season and every year pumpkin and all things pumpkin-spiced are increasingly popular. What better time than to ask yourself if your cat can eat pumpkin? Are there any benefits to giving pumpkin to your cat? What about pumpkin-spiced treats?

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Can Cats Eat Strawberries? Are they Safe for Them?

Strawberries are one of the most delicious, low-calorie healthy fruits for humans. But what about cats? Are strawberries healthy for cats or at least, safe to eat? Are there any dangers to feeding strawberries to your feline? These are some of the questions that this article answers for you.

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Can Cats Eat Carrots? Are Carrots Good for Cats?

Cats do not require vegetables in their diet, unlike humans. However, some vegetables like carrots are safe to eat and even healthy. Cats can eat carrots. In fact, carrots prove to be quite good for them. Learn more about cats eating this orange veggie delight and see how carrots are good for cats.

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Can Dogs Eat Grapes or Raisins? Read First!

You may find it irresistible not to share a treat with your dog, especially if they are begging you for a light snack with their pleading eyes. After all, offering them human food as a treat on occasion won’t kill them. But what if it did?

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Can Cats Eat Rice? Is it Healthy?

One of the most popular and healthy cereal grains for humans is rice. But is it equally nutritious for cats? Can cats eat rice? Rice is found in a cat food brands as a filler, but can you also feed it to them plain? How about brown rice? If you want to learn more about cats eating rice and how to safely feed them, this article is for you.

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Can Dogs Eat Pizza? Here’s Why it’s Not Safe!

Have you caught your dog staring at you intensely while you are eating your last pizza slice? Are you tempted to give it to them so they can stop begging you with those pleading eyes? First, you must stop yourself and ask, “but can dogs eat pizza?” Because the answer to that question is no.

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Can Dogs Eat Onions? Here’s Why They Shouldn’t!

Onions are a popular flavor to add to our dishes. Can you add it to your dog’s meals too? Can this pungent culinary cause more harm than bad breath or can dogs eat onions without any worries? The answer is yes, and this article explains why.

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Can Dogs Eat Chocolate? No! Why is it Toxic?

Chocolate is an exceptionally delicious treat to humans but very toxic for dogs. But what makes it so harmful to them? Before you give chocolate to your canine pal, find out more about the risks of dogs eating chocolate to keep your dog safe from any illnesses.

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Can Dogs Eat Raw Meat? Think Again.

The raw food diet for dogs is becoming an increasingly popular trend. Before you think about changing your canine baby’s diet, consider the benefits as well as the risks. What matters more is not if dogs can eat raw meat but whether or not they should.

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Can Cats Eat Watermelon? You May Be Surprised!

Watermelon is the ideal treat for humans on a hot summer day, and it is perfect for sharing with your friends and family. But can you share this treat with your cat? Can cats eat watermelon? Are there any risks that you should consider should you choose to offer them watermelon? Are there any benefits? Find answers to your questions in this article.

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