Written by Louis Vanderhaeghen

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Louis Vanderhaeghen

Top Healthy Dog Treats from Human Foods

If you are looking for some inspiration with healthy dog treats, we have compiled a master post for you! Find out what are the top healthy dog treats that you can find in your kitchen. Choose wisely among your options, and do not overindulge your furry pal with them.

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Dog Massage: Benefits & How to Do it

Did you know that dogs benefit from a good rub just as much as humans do? After all, massages are all about easing pain and revitalizing. More than that, giving your dog a good massage also strengthens your bond with them. Want to learn more about dog massage?

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International Dog Day: 10 Ways to Celebrate

Did you know that August 26 is marked as an international dog day? Today is the day for you to celebrate your furry baby by showing your love and appreciation to them. Don’t have a dog? Don’t worry, you can still contribute through other means. Keep reading and find out how you can engage in the celebration of international dog day!

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How to Stop a Dog from Pulling

Going out for a walk is one of the most exciting times of the day for many dogs. Pulling on a lead makes perfect sense to them because it’s the way to make more fascinating discoveries even faster. Read on for the tips you need and learn how to stop a dog from pulling on your leash.

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How Often Do You Take a Cat to the Vet?

Cats rely on us to keep them protected from disease and cared for by experts. Whether you have a kitten or a grown-up tom, read on to find out when you should take your cat to see the vet.

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Can Cats Eat Coconut? How About Coconut Milk?

Are you looking for alternative fruits for your cat? Or, perhaps, you are considering replacing their dairy with coconut milk? Find out whether cats can eat coconut or any coconut-based products. Do not rush to feed your cat coconut before reading further!

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Can Dogs Eat Corn? Is It OK for Dogs to Eat Corn?

If you are wondering whether it is OK for dogs to eat corn, you are in luck, because this article has the answer ready for you. Find out how to safely feed your pup corn, and what possible distress signs to watch out for when they consume corn without caution.

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Can Dogs Eat Olives? Are they Good for Them?

Olives provide a lot of nutrition to humans. But do they have the same effect on dogs? If you are thinking of feeding your dog olives or you already done so, you may rest easy. Dogs can eat olives, as long as it is in moderation.

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Can Cats Eat Canned Tuna? You’ll Be Surprised!

Cats love fish, and there is no doubt about it. Their love for fish stems from the fact that cats are opportunistic feeders. The strong smell of fish makes it more appealing to them. So, if cats like fish, they probably like canned tuna. But can cats eat canned tuna? The answer may surprise you.

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Can Dogs Eat Lemons? Are Lemons Healthy for Dogs?

The bitter flavor of lemons is something that your dog may easily avoid eating. But usually, your dog trusts you enough to eat what you may kindly offer them. So, can dogs eat lemons? More importantly, are lemons healthy for dogs? Or, perhaps, are they bad for dogs?

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